Baby Pulls An Instant Prank On Dad And Is In A Fit Of Giggles

We’ve all pulled some prank on a family member or friend. It can be on April fools day, the day pranks are intensified and justified, and people can’t get mad at you for them, or just on a regular day when your target is least expecting it. I know I have pulled a prank on someone when they had no clue what was going on, and it was hilarious!

Enter a dad and his toddler son. They are spending quality daddy-son time together. Dad is watching TV while the toddler is busy playing with his toys. That’s when dad has a fun idea to play a little trick on his baby, and the result is adorable.
While watching TV, dad takes the little kid’s ball and uses it as a pillow. He does this deliberately because he knows that the toddler will put up a fight to get it back. As mom records the baby’s reaction of pulling the ball from under his head, dad is taking the ball away from him and saying “It’s my pillow.” And what is the baby’s response? A fit of cute giggles!

It’s so endearing to watch something so simple light up the spirit of a child. They see the world through such new eyes, it’s hard not to be mystified by their reaction. A brand new tiny human’s reaction to something us boring adults think is so simple enriches life. These precious moments are fleeting. Dad knows that. Mom knows that. Also within these moments, is an insight into the baby’s personality. Parents get glimpses of the future child, teen and adult they’ll turn into.

The baby is having so much fun trying to get the pillow back from his dad that he is laughing uncontrollably and he can’t seem to stop! Behind the camera, mom must be squirming, trying to contain her laughter. I know I would be, it’s just all so sweet. Dad is also in splits of laughter as he watches his son have the time of his life over this pillow prank. I think this has been one of the most successful pranks I’ve seen executed. Way to go, dad for playing along and encouraging his adorable little prankster in the making.

Watch the video below and don’t forget to like and share this post with family and friends! We’re sure that the baby’s contagious laugh will make your day.

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