Baby Girl Sweetly Wobbles Across Room To Dad’s Familiar Voice

Coming home after clocking in another day of work is already a relief. Add in the joy of seeing your baby girl’s face light up when you come in, and it’s priceless. There are precious moments that make all the hard and difficult ones worth living through. Life is all about that balance – it’s what keeps us grateful.

A child is already connected to her mother in the womb, sometimes causing dads to feel like they aren’t parenting until the baby comes into the world. This gap isn’t disadvantageous, in fact, this furthers the importance of dads to have a “hands-on” approach with their toddler. Dad’s role as a parent is to help facilitate exploration and add extra stimulus to the child’s ever-expanding and small world. Mom is the nurturer and dad is the fun guy!

Plus, this invaluable bonding time bridges the sensitive separation period when a child learns to trust another human other than her mother during the early stages of development. It also affects daughters in so many ways down the line–studies show that fathers who spend time with their daughters raise girls to have higher self-esteem and self-worth. And of course, this is a win-win situation for both parents and children.



The video below starts as dad comes into the house, and mom is ready with the camera. The little girl is practicing learning how to walk on her own when she sees dad. Suddenly, a huge smile comes across her face, as she excitedly speeds up her adorable lopsided run towards the familiar voice. Dad scoops her up, and she nuzzles her face into his shoulder, kissing him and showing him love and affection–the perfect bonding moment between daddy and his little girl.

GThis is such a heartwarmer, sure to make you go “aww.” Call up your daughter, call your dad, spread a little love cause these moments are just too important!
We bet you don’t want to miss it, so see the short clip, below!

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