Little twin babies are the best helpers of their mother…

As the youngest of 10 kids, Adelynn and Sarah are already very experienced when it comes to helping with the laundry, loading and unloading the dishwasher, wiping and mopping everything from cupboards to tubs and floors, taking out the trash (my personal favorite to watch them do) and their latest favorite, yard work! So quickly children outgrow this initial stage of life, the tremendous intimacy and connection at the beginning that the most formative years lend themselves to, even demands if YOU are the one who is there for your child!


Every feeding, every wash, every diaper change, every book you read, every song you sing, and every little housework you do makes your hearts and beings strong enough to last a lifetime. Every moment you spend parenting, being with your child, matters where it matters most – in the heart.


One thing I would like to give to new parents is the perspective of appreciation, celebration, real enjoyment and that you do your best to take care of your little ones with joy! Every minute, even super-duper difficult, will be worth it!


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