A mom of the twins answered all the boring questions on a single photo. What was the reason

Australian resident Annie Nolan is raising two adorable twins, Delphia and Cheska.

She was so tired of constantly answering other people’s annoying questions about the little ones that she decided to immediately answer everything with an ironic photo, which she posted on her Facebook blog.

The post went viral instantly.

Annie decides to take a photo of her daughters with signs on which she writes the entire current biography of Delphia and Chesky, and also answered frequently asked questions.

In the explanation of the photo, she wrote that she was not angry with those around her who were interested in her little ones, she understood that they were not doing it with malicious intent, but out of curiosity.

It’s just that sometimes she is so tired of the daily routine and caring for two twins that she does not “burn with the desire” to answer the same questions over and over again.

“But I really caught myself thinking that I wouldn’t mind walking around the city with these posters.

God, how much easier they would make my life.

But then I thought that people might misunderstand my self-irony and take everything personally.

So, I limited myself to a photo and a post on Facebook,” explained Annie Nolan.

The resourceful mother explained that they were moving from the suburbs to the city.

She understands that there will be many more people there, so she will have to answer questions about her twin daughters more often.

Therefore, I decided to respond in advance by publishing an original and ironic post.

Internet users appreciated the gesture of a resourceful mother.

Her post has already gained 27,000 likes, several thousand comments and shares.

Annie did not expect that so many people would immediately receive answers to their questions, it is certain that among them there are residents of the city where the family decided to move.

Here’s what Emily wrote :

“Yes, they are my daughters and they are twins”,

“Yes, the two girls and I know that they are not very similar”,

“Yes, they look a little alike”,

“Of course, twins can’t be in all the same”,

“I didn’t do IVF”,

“Yes, cesarean section”,

“And you have twins, congratulations”,

“yes, it’s more difficult with triplets”,

“Hands are always busy, sometimes with two glasses of wine, it’s easier to relax”.

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