2 Brothers Duel On Banjo And Guitar

To play an instrument and to play it well, requires hours of study and practice. While God-given talent is a factor and some would argue beginner’s luck, it’s really about hard work and dedication to your craft. Passion and joy paired with elbow grease and determination make for one steadfast musician.

Having a sibling who’s musically inclined doesn’t hurt either! Nothing like a brother who shares the same interest to compare notes with and keep up the healthy competition.



The Sleepy Man Banjo Boys comprise nine-year-old Jonny Mizzone on the banjo and oldest brother Tommy on the guitar. There’s another bandmate too, but I’ll get to that in a sec. This group is amazing, their bluegrass skill and ear for sound sure make mom proud – she’s the one holding the camera for this one!

The boys are in a bedroom, tuning up their instruments. Tommy plays a little ditty, and Jonny mirrors it back. The two play “call and answer” for a few moments, warming up and getting ready for the showdown. It’s a little bit of a slow start as they make sure their instruments are good to go. But, when they hit it, wow, do they ever pick up speed!

At about the 1:20 mark, they kick it into high gear. Tommy’s riff on the guitar gets played back by Jonny on the banjo and it’s game on! The two are jamming together and the sound is beautiful. The twang of the banjo is perfectly balanced with the warmth of the guitar, seamlessly complementing one another as they rip through their song at full speed. Watch their fingers and listen to the music get faster and faster, but their faces remain concentrated. These two are on fire. While Jonny holds down the beat, Tommy takes over with a solo, knocking out a few notes on his own before joining back up with his little bro –but then it gets even better.

Right at the 2:17 mark, the third bandmate/brother drops in for a treat! Robbie is on the fiddle and joins right in without missing a beat. Mom kept him as a surprise because this kid came out of nowhere and adds a whole new layer to the country tune. The trio is outstanding, taking their viewers on what feels like a ride down a backwoods country road through the hills.

Click below to watch this fabulous performance. You will not be disappointed!

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