Long-awaited happiness: How Merkulov’s quintuplets live as they are already 3 years old

In the summer of 2017, the married couple Alexander and Anastasia Merkulov had five babies at once.

Everyone thought that four children were going to be born, but finally five were born.



This did not upset the young parents in any way, because if there were not four, there were five!

Thus, the couple dreamed of a child for a long time, but it constantly brought problems – it did not work out.

Anastasia considered herself guilty of this.

So every pregnancy ended in miscarriage.


In 2016, Nastya told her husband Sasha that she was pregnant again.

Fortunately, the pregnancy was preserved up to 32 weeks this time, and the mother was being readied for a scheduled caesarean surgery.

This procedure was really traumatic for her since her mother was quite weak and the physicians practically struggled for her life.

When her health improved, the doctor came to the ward, shocked, and said, “Nastya, you have to survive.

There are five cute babies expecting you.”



The Merkulovs were overjoyed because their long-cherished wish had come true!

They were frequently asked how they managed with so many tiny children.

Anastasia survived on her own when the children were little, and her spouse assisted after work.

After 6 months, when the children started to crawling, Alexander organized a trip to aid his wife.


Thus, it’s been 3 years since the quintuplets were born.

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