Seeing Triplets! 47-Year-Old Woman Gives Birth To Triplets After Naturally Conceiving And Calling It

Seeing Triplets! 47-Year-Old Woman Gives Birth To Triplets After Naturally Conceiving And Calling ItSeeing Triplets! 47-Year-Old Woman Gives Birth To Triplets After Naturally Conceiving And Calling It A Wonderful Surprise
Seeiпg Triρlets! 47-Year-Old Wοmaп Gives Birth Tο Triρlets After Naturally Cοпceiviпg Aпd Calliпg It A Wοпderful Surρrise

A mother from Miami was shocked to discover she was expectant again, this time with triplets. Sharon Lewis is 47 years old and already has two elder children, a daughter aged 25 and a son aged 14.

According to doctors, it is uncommon for a woman of her age to have conceived naturally without fertility treatment.




When told she would be giving birth to three newborn boys, the school cafeteria supervisor did not want to become pregnant and believed it was impossible at her age.

At 30 weeks, Dylan, Denere, and Denard were delivered via c-section. Due to her high blood pressure, the physicians decided to induce labour early.

Each infant weighed approximately two pounds at birth and now weighs closer to four pounds.


Lewis stated, “All of this came as a big surprise to me, but it was a pleasant surprise.”

“I felt that God alone graced my womb at the age of 47. She said with a smile at Tuesday’s press conference, “I do believe he brought me to it, and he’ll bring me through it.”


She anticipates that the newest three additions will keep her youthful and vital.

Her elder children cannot wait to welcome them home, and she has a large family to assist.

They received care in the neonatal intensive care unit at Holtz Children’s Hospital, part of the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Centre.

Lewis, a school cafeteria monitor, describes the triplets as a huge surprise, but a pleasant one

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